Kingdom REI : The Real Estate Investing Podcast for Kingdom Leaders

Thank God for Bitcoin with Jimmy Song | Author, Entrepreneur, & Developer

Episode Summary

Jimmy Song, author of his new book, Thank God for Bitcoin, explores the ways in which the current monetary system is broken and what can be done to fix it. It explores the creation of money, its corruption and its potential redemption. It looks at how Bitcoin is redeeming the ills of our corrupt monetary system and how the ongoing transition to sound money is a source of hope for a broken world. (credit to

Episode Notes

Other Topics Discussed: 

Thank God for Bitcoin on Amazon 


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Author Bio: 
Jimmy Song is the author of several books, including his latest book,

Thank God for Bitcoin, Jimmy is an open source contributor to many

different Bitcoin projects and has two other books: Programming Bitcoin

from O’Reilly and The Little Bitcoin Book. He writes a weekly newsletter,

Bitcoin Tech Talk and is the host of the Bitcoin Fixes This podcast.

He caught the Bitcoin bug back in 2011 and started contributing to Bitcoin

open source projects in 2013. Since then he has spent much of his time

educating people about blockchain technology and about the benefits of

Bitcoin. JImmy has given countless interviews on many different podcasts

and is a highly sought after thought leader within the cryptocurrency

community. Jimmy graduated from the University of Michigan with a

Bachelors of Science in Mathematics.